Іmage communication strategy and 360- advertising campaign

MAKE SENSE developed a communication strategy and launched a 360- advertising campaign to “open the eyes” of Ukrainians to the innovativeness of Farmak.
Farmak is a Ukrainian manufacturer of European-level pharmaceutical products. Thanks to the quality of its products and innovations, the company has been the leader of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market and one of the largest exporters of medicines since 2010.
However, many Ukrainians live under the assumption that Ukrainian medicine and technology are inferior to foreign manufacturers. All that is because few people know that domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing has been inspected by European regulatory authorities for many years and meets their standards. And Farmak currently exports its medicinal products to more than 50 countries!
The main creative idea and meaning of communication is to “open the eyes” of Ukrainians to the technologies and innovative activities of the Ukrainian company Farmak. To show what exactly is behind the production of modern medicines and to inspire pride in Ukrainian products.